Viewing entries tagged
feminism today

Not Just Baby Blues: Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is a serious health consequence to being a new mother. It is actually a lot more common than you might think. You probably know someone who has suffered from it, most likely quietly. And why? Why did it happen, and why would you not have known about it?

So in this episode we discuss postpartum depression. It’s not baby blues. It’s not just a little bit of hormones and it will pass. It’s not – you’re just too tired and you need to take some “you” time. It’s depression. Serious depression. 

March for Science, Truth, and the Tipping Point

Since the election of Donald Trump, and his subsequent inauguration on January 20, 2017, the world has experienced a palpable shift. Things changed that day, and the reverberations have been felt worldwide. I don’t think anyone could have predicted the global response to the election of Trump to the US presidency, and the proceeding events that would take shape.

I attended the March for Science in Washington, DC. Tens of thousands of people who joined this protest to lend their voice against what has effectively been a persistent attack on science, and a broader attack on facts. Like many of the recent protest rallies, the March for Science was held in cities all across the United States, and all across the globe. People, whether scientists or not, added their voices to a call for – enough. Enough.


Body Image, Fat Shaming, & Loving Ourselves

This episode, I have a powerful discussion with Jennifer Rollin, a therapist who specializes in body image and eating disorders. We take a deep dive into body image and fat shaming. No one will be surprised to hear that the ideal body in our culture is thin. Very thin. And not everyone is very thin. Or even thin. In fact most of us aren’t. So let’s consider the space between the ideal and real. The chasm between what we are, and what the idealized perfect is.

We discuss how fat shaming and the thin ideal have become so acculturated and normalized that it pervades nearly every aspect of women's lives and can seriously undermine our confidence. We discuss how we can break this unhealthy fixation and help our girl children grow up feeling good about themselves.

Women and the Alt-Right

In this fascinating discussion, I talk with Dr. Paul Johnson from University of Pittsburgh about the Alt-Right, their beliefs and ideologies, and a brief history of how they started. 

The Alt-Right, is a general umbrella term for a set of right wing ideologies, groups, and individuals whose central belief is that white people, and most particularly white men, are under attack in our society by a system of multi-culturalism, and in their thinking political correctness gone out of control. The foundation of Alt-Right thinking is that white men have been displaced and emasculated by women and minorities, who are NOT equal to white men.

The Alt-Right movement has had significant success attracting social misfits who hear the message that if they are rejected by women, then it is not their fault, but it is the fault of our societal power structures which are systematically undermining the overall success of white men. They are the victims of an emasculating power struggle with women and minorities, which contributes to a bitter resentment toward both.


Lead, Social Justice, & Environmental Racism

The ongoing crisis of contaminated water in Flint, Michigan has contributed to a growing discussion about social justice and environmental racism. Are we tacitly comfortable with environmental degradation in some areas, and not in others? For example, is a crisis of lead contaminated water in Flint acceptable, but unacceptable in Dearborn, Michigan? 

This episode covers lead and human health, including the disproportionate impact on pregnant women and children. I discuss with my guest, Ruth Long, the detrimental impact on health, especially for children, and sources of contamination. We also discuss measures you can take to protect yourself and your family from lead exposure, including extraordinary measures our guest had to take to protect her young children.

Our woman in the spotlight is Vandana Shiva, who was a pioneer in eco-feminism.

Patriarchy, Parenting and Boys

When the audiotape of Donald Trump on Access Hollywood leaked recording his discussion of his ability to grab women without permission, men from both parties expressed outrage. Some Republican lawmakers withdrew their support of Mr. Trump, including Paul Ryan, who said "I am sickened by what I heard today." Men of both parties said "As a father of daughters...."  But why must a man have a daughter to feel or express moral outrage over such behavior? What about our sons?

In my discussion with blogger Jacque Gorelick, whose blog discusses the importance and challenges of raising boys in a patriarchy, with an understanding of male privilege.

Politics, Aggression, & Women's Malaise

The level of rancor and divisiveness in our country right now is hard to miss or deny. In the midst of this ugly political discourse, the status of women has been under attack with some particularly misogynistic elements being given a platform, and some might say tacit approval in the lack of outrage or pushback.

This general feeling of a diminishment of women weighs heavily on many, often not even aware that it is there. I speak with my guest, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, who talks about how the generally aggressive public discourse about women has impacted those who have experienced trauma in the past and find themselves triggered by this new and negative norm. We discuss signs to watch for in yourself, and in those you care for to be sure you are taking care of yourself and each other.

Are Little Girls Getting Too Sexy?

The American Psychological Association, or APA has released a report which warns of the dangers of the sexualization of girls in media. They concluded that virtually every form of media which they studied provides significant evidence of the sexualization of women, and many specifically target children and adolescents.

In this episode I have a conversation with Professor Sarah Murnen about the sexualization of girls, and unpack the potential impact of this phenomenon on the individual girl, girls in general, and on society and how we view girls and women.